Enter If You Can - The Art of Puzzle Boxes is a book written by Peter Hajek. This edition is locked with a trick lock that was designed by Shane Hales. Peter's fascination with puzzles, and boxes in particular is shared by many people. This book is his attempt to map the so-far largely unrecorded history of boxes with secrets.
Peter Hajek wrote about it:
“The richly illustrated hardback book covers the history of boxes with secret opening; their flourishing at the turn of the 19th and 20th Century in England, Japan and Switzerland; the work of the three pioneers of puzzle box art – Wood, Chambers and Kamei; and the greatest achievements of modern masters currently active in Japan, America, Europe and Australia. There are also sections on puzzle box secrets, puzzle locks, and the current 'puzzle scene'.”
"Although this book will likely attract primarily fellow puzzlers, it may also get opened by curious people not yet familiar with the genre, and help some of them to find the way in. "
"Puzzle boxes enrich the lives of aficionados - while the rest of the world knows little about them. Many more people would be thrilled by puzzle art, had they known that such a thing exists."
Peter Hajek is Professor of Clinical Psychology at Queen Mary, University of London, where he directs research in health behaviours and addictions. He has been chasing puzzling objects for over 40 years.
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