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ObjectBe the first to build a church in a Bible city!
BrandLate For The Sky
TypeFamily Games
PackagingCardboard Box

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Product Info

One of the most popular Christian games of all time! BIBLEOPOLY has very unique game play. The object of the game is to be the first player to build a church in one of the Bible cities. In BIBLEOPOLY, you can’t win by destroying your opponents. You will only win by assisting fellow players. Cooperation is what allows you to gain the things necessary to build your church and be a winner.

Bibleopoly combines the fun of a property trading game with the remarkable cities of the Bible.  Start IN THE BEGINNING and journey through Bible cities, Meditation, Community Celebration and occasionally The Abyss.  Earn a Cornerstone by helping a fellow player or doing Community Service then make offerings in order to earn the bricks and steeple needed to build a church. It’s all fun and games until someone lands on GO MEDITATE and is out of the game for 3 turns!

In Bibleopoly good deeds are rewarded, but sometimes Faith cards intervene. Who knows! You may become the new caretaker of
Jerusalem... or you may be swallowed by a great fish! Who will be the first to build a church in a Bible city?

Play Bibleopoly with family and friends and find out!



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