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Famous Generals of the Civil War - Card Game Deck
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Famous Generals of the Civil War - Card Game Deck

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BrandU.S. Games Systems Inc.
TypePlaying Cards
PackagingCardboard Box

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Famous Generals of the Civil War Card Game features 13 important leaders of the Civil War, who served their country in its desperate struggle. The deck includes generals of both of the Confederate and Union armies including: Robert E. Lee, William Tecumseh Sherman, Ulysses S. Grant, and others. The deck is comprised of thirteen books of four cards each. Each book features a general, with a full-color portrait and an outline of his military achievements.

Included with the deck is a set of instructions for playing Famous Generals of the Civil War. The object of the card game is to complete books by calling for cards from other players. This deck can also be used for playing many other card games.

Edited by Marc Newman.

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