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Spiral Spring Science Kit - 3 in 1
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Spiral Spring Science Kit - 3 in 1

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ObjectBuild 1 of 3 spring powered creations.
BrandCIC Robotic Kits
TypeScience Kits
PackagingCardboard Box
Total Pieces133

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Product Info

Young engineers will have a chance to build 3 in 1 Spiral Spring Science Kit while learning about how kinetic force can be applied to everyday life objects. Discover the world of physics and how humans build wonderful machines out of simpler physics rules!

Long time play value: Build a motorized robot, race car, and countdown timer — all that run without any batteries or electrical power! This STEM Toy provides many hands-on experiments about the inner workings of spring-powered devices while helping kids leveling up their engineering skills.

Bilingual Manual
: This STEM Kit including a bilingual manual in both English/ French with the detailed steps that can help your little inventor value the effort of building something from scratch!  NO batteries or glue required.

Recommended for Ages 8+
133 Pieces

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