The following puzzles are in this set, click on the individual puzzle name to get a more descriptive view of each puzzle: Wave 7 Puzzle - Original Version,
Ice 9 Puzzle - Original Version,
Jigsaw Puzzle 16 - Original Version,
Green 13 Puzzle - Original Version,
Jigsaw Puzzle 29 - Original Version,
Traffic 15 Puzzle - Original Version - out of stock,
Pond 12 Puzzle - Original Version,
Yuu Asaka has designed several creative packing-style puzzles that have taken the puzzle world by storm. They all share solutions with an absolutely captivating twist,
Almost always significantly more difficult than you might imagine, each style may seem ridiculously simple to start - only to discover that you in for a challenge!
All of the puzzles in this set are the Original Designer's Brand.
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