Das Duell is a one or 2 player puzzle game.
1. The Duel (Puzzle Game for 2 People)
Take the pieces and the middle duel stick out of the frame. Player 1 starts by throwing the dice. Re-insert the duel stick in the corresponding numbered hole. This creates 2 playing fields of different sizes. Player two take turns taking one puzzle piece. Every player only takes as many pieces as fit into his or her own play field.
As soon as both players have taken their pieces, they race to fill their field first. Tally the points according to the instructions. The player with the most points after 10 matches is the winner of the game.
2. The Duel (Puzzle Game for 1 Person)
Put the duel stick in any position in the frame and try to fill the resulting play field with the corresponding number of puzzle pieces. You may require the use of the extra joker pieces.