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Bilz  Pinball
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Bilz Pinball

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ObjectGet the 3 balls in the hole to open the gift card holder.
DifficultyLevel 7 - Challenging
BrandTE Brangs
TypesMaze Puzzles, Puzzle Boxes / Trick Boxes
Dimensions9 1/4 in x 4 2/3 in x 2 1/8 in / 23.5 cm x 11.8 cm x 5.5 cm
PackagingCardboard Box

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If you're giving someone cash, a gift certificate, or event tickets, here's a better way to present it. Just slip the gift in the tray and snap it in place. The "prize" can only be claimed after successfully placing three balls into the hole at the end of the lightning bolt.  The recipient will have to use dexterity and patience to use the flippers to get the balls in place.  Once they are in place just push the money holder's win button and open up the gift drawer.


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