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Hedgehog Escape
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Hedgehog Escape

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ObjectHelp the hedgehogs escape the badgers.
DifficultyLevel 8 - Demanding
BrandPopular Playthings
TypesGames - Children, Sliding Pieces Puzzles, Oskar van Deventer
PackagingCardboard Box

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Product Info

How does a hedgehog make his getaway? Through a hedge, of course!  When ten little hedgehogs are surprised by some bad-news badgers, they have to roll together to reach teh low spot in the hedge where Mama hedgehog is waiting.  (True fact: Badgers eat hedgehogs!)

The Goal:
From the indicated start position of the rolling hedgehog piece, find the correct escape path, avoiding the biting badgers, to the low spot in the hedge and roll over it.

There are 50 different setups challenge you to foil the badger.  So what are you waiting for?  Get rolling!

Ages: 7+
50 different challenges with different difficulty levels
Players: 1
Instructions: English, French, German, Italian and Dutch.

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5 rating

1 Reviews

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    On Wednesday May 2nd Hassan wrote,
Nice game I hope if you send me the English manual for the game
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