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Jan van Haasteren Comic Puzzle - Food Truck Festival
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Jan van Haasteren Comic Puzzle - Food Truck Festival

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ObjectPut together the jigsaw puzzle.
BrandJumbo International
Type1001 - 5000 Pieces
DimensionsApprox. 90 cm x 60 cm / 35 in x 24 in
PackagingCardboard Box
Total Pieces1500

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Product Info

For decades Jan van Haasteren has created highly detailed, colourful and, above all, humorous illustrations.  Most of Jan's fans will immediately search for his trademark - the shark's fin - featured in every puzzle. 

In order to meet the growing demand for Jan van Haasteren puzzles, the 'Jan van Haasteren Studio' was established. Joining forces with their idol Jan, talented illustrators are working on the latest hilarious puzzle images. This puzzle was created by the studio under Jan van Haasteren's editorial supervision.

Made in the Netherlands by Jumbo and manufactured on blueboard.

1500 Pieces.
Finished size: Approx. 90 cm x 60 cm / 35 in x 24 in
Made by: Jumbo International


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