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ObjectTake apart and reassemble the pieces.
DifficultyLevel 7 - Challenging
TypesBurr Puzzles, European Wood Puzzles, Benjamin Heidt
Dimensions6 cm x 6 cm x 6 cm / 2.4 in x 2.4 in x 2.4 in
PackagingCardboard Box

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Kevin Sadler reviewed Flummox:

“This beautiful and rather diminutive creation was designed by a new name on the scene, Benjamin Heidt. If this is a typical example of puzzles from him then I hope that Jakub and Jaroslav make more. It is a fabulous variant on the classic 6 piece burr with length of 6 voxels (pieces made from a vibrant Purpleheart). The addition of little additional pieces (made from Maple) added onto the sides of the burr sticks which interfere with the the usual movement of the pieces and make the solution much more interesting. The solution level is: which is just right for all but the most masochistic of burr solvers and is delightful to explore. From the start position there are 4 or 5 possible moves and then further exploration after some of them. This took me about an hour to solve using my usual to and fro method which also meant that I could reassemble it from memory. The really good solvers will disassemble it relatively quickly and then have a really nice challenge assembling from scratch.”

Material: Maple / Purpleheart
Measures: 6 cm x 6 cm x 6 cm /  2.4 in x 2.4 in x 2.4 in

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