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Connected Soma
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Connected Soma

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ObjectFit all the pieces into a cube.
DifficultyLevel 8 - Demanding
BrandOskar Puzzles
Types3D Printed Puzzles, Burr Puzzles, Oskar van Deventer
Dimensions6 cm x 6 cm x 6 cm / 2.4 in x 2.4 in x 2.4 in
PackagingPlastic Bag

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Product Info

Connected Soma is a cubic version of Soma Pipedream Too, a piped Soma assembly puzzle. Rick Eason found this unique design that has two assemblies, of which only one can be disassembled. Moreover, Rick also suggested these hermaphroditic connections, eliminating the need of separate connector pieces. The puzzle is a lot of fun to solve, trying to make a (Soma) cube. It is even more fun to make free-space assemblies of these pieces. Rick Eason computed that there exist a total of 35 assemblies where all pipes are connected without any open ends.

The seven colorful pieces took 12½ hours to 3D print on a Dutchy 3D printer, plus some gluing. 40 meter of 1.75-mm PLA filament was used to print it. The puzzle weights 117 gram.

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