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Super Cylinder
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Super Cylinder

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ObjectOpen the cylinder.
DifficultyLevel 9 - Gruelling
BrandAbrams Puzzles and More
Types3D Printed Puzzles, Boston Abrams, Sequential Discovery
Dimensions11.4 cm x 9.4 cm x 9.4 cm / 4.5 in x 3.7 in x 3.7 in
PackagingBubble Wrap

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Product Info

This sequential discovery puzzle is in the unique shape of a hefty camera lens!  It is a large, rich-looking and unique 3D printed puzzle designed by Boston Abrams.

You must perform various different actions (i.e. rotate, push, pull) to the puzzle to open the cylinder.  There is a least 16 moves to reveal a compartment inside which has a small sheet of paper that states that you have completed the puzzle. It can be used to store a small momento. The solution for the puzzle will have you appreciating the function of its inner mechanisms.  No excessive force is required.

Great as a gift for family or friends, or just as a fun challenge for yourself. A intricately detailed and exceptionally well printed puzzle that is perfect for the collector.

This puzzle is a cousin of the much smaller and less difficult Dials, which is by the same designer.  The solutions are different, but the puzzles have a similar style.



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