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Gear Cube - Black
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Gear Cube - Black

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 Regular Price: $32.99 CAD

ObjectMix up the cube and put it back to the start
DifficultyLevel 8 - Demanding
TypesMeffert's Rotational Puzzles, Oskar van Deventer, Bram Cohen
Dimensions2 1/3 in x 2 1/3 in x 2 1/3 / 6 cm x 6 cm x 6 cm
PackagingClear Plastic Case

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Product Info

The Gear-cube is a brand new concept in cube design and has the following inventive steps. Using a full gear mechanism that requires twelve 90° turns to complete one rotation but having said this it is still slightly easier then the Rubik’s cube, Designed by M. Oskar van Deventer and inspired by a gearing idea by Bram Cohen, it will be Meffert’s Puzzle Of the Year for 2010.

Placing the gears externally, so that their orientation can be seen, Adding gear teeth to the corner and edge pieces and using a new inner core.

These steps result in a twisty puzzle that on the one hand has some of the features and attractiveness of the original Rubik’s Cube. Whereas on the other hand it creates a completely new and unexpected solving experience.

To summarize, the following aspects add to the attraction of Gear-Cube;

A first solving reward is getting the puzzle to its cubic state. This is relatively easy.

A second solving reward is getting the puzzle to a state where each face has only two colors (of opposite faces).This is a bit harder, but achievable for many people.

Hardest is solving the puzzle as a whole, which is still easier than the original Rubik’s Cube.

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2 Reviews

Disclaimer: These reviews are written by our customers. Puzzle Master makes every attempt to keep these posts informative and relevant. If you find a post objectionable or inappropriate, please let us know by sending an email to

    On Monday September 2nd Richard Ikeda wrote,
É fácil mas é muito engraçado a reação das pessoas ao girá-lo a primeira vez! No começo pode até confundir um pouco, mas depois de entender como funciona as engrenagens para resolver rápido. ~~ It is easy but it is very funny the reaction of people to turn it the first time! At first it may even confuse a bit, but once you understand how it works to solve is fast.
    On Tuesday August 23rd sissy wrote,
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