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Spinning Top - Fado
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Spinning Top - Fado

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ObjectSpin the top.
TypeYo Yo's & Tops
DimensionsDiameter is 4.8 cm / 1.9 in

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Product Info

Watch wooden Mader spinning tops as they spin round and round, sometimes for minutes. So enticing when sat on a shelf - you can't help picking one up and giving it a twirl.

Spinning tops never go out of style, no matter how old you are. And these are particularly special with so many different colour combinations in elegant shapes and sizes.

Fado is a simple, stable, and easy-to-grip finger gyro in pastel design.  Suitable even for the youngest (~5 years of age).

Level of difficulty: 1 (where 1 is the easiest and 6 is the most difficult).48 mm diameter. Solid maple with metal tip.

Each top is uniquely colored: Let us choose for you!

Handcrafted in Austria from a variety of woods native to Europe. Each top is made from a single piece of wood and then hand painted.

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