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Camel Up 2.0 (New Edition)
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Camel Up 2.0 (New Edition)

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ObjectGain the most money by backing the right camel in a race.
BrandPretzel Games
TypesFamily Games, Board Games
PackagingCardboard box

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Product Info

These camels have it made in the shade of a giant 3D palm tree!  The award winning game about the craziest camel race, just got even crazier! The race now includes new contestants – camels that are so confused that they start the race running in the wrong direction!

That’s not all that’s new! The track has been significantly enhanced since your last visit – it now includes new art and components.
So, place your bets of fun! Designed by Sterren Bogen.  Illustrations by Chris Quilliams.  Producer is Sophie Gravel.

Number of players : 3-8 | Age: 8+ | Duration: 30 min

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