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ObjectPredict how many dots you think you will roll.
TypeFamily Games
PackagingCardboard Box

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Product Info

Zoinx!™:  The All or Nothing Dice Game

It’s high-rolling hijinx with this game of dicey decisions! First, all players secretly predict how many dots they think you will roll. Then shake the dice and keep rolling as long as you meet your target. But push your luck too far and Zoinx! – you lose everything and the points go to the players who bet against you!

Ages: 8+
Players: 2-4
Average Game Length: 15 min

About the Game

We’ve played lots of “press your luck” dice games, but what really makes Zoinx! stand apart from the crowd is that you not only have to make a prediction before you roll, but that other players have a stake in the outcome of your turn. This combination makes for some juicy decisions, particularly as the game progresses. Do you play it conservatively and go for small points, or do you have to catch up to the leader by putting all your points on the table. All along, stay aware of the odds or else you may zoinx out!


  •     8 custom dice
  •     score pad
  •     Rules in Spanish
  •     Rules of Play


  •     probability
  •     visual discrimination
  •     fine motor skills

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