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Ticket To Ride: Japan / Italy (Expansion)
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Ticket To Ride: Japan / Italy (Expansion)

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ObjectScore the most points by creating train routes.
BrandDays of Wonder
TypeFamily Games
PackagingCardboard Box

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Product Info

NOT A STAND-ALONE GAME! Requires an original copy of Ticket to Ride® or Ticket to Ride® Europe to play.

Zoom across Japan in a bullet train admiring Mount Fuji through the mist or take the Tokyo subway to your final destination. On this map, you face a dilemma between investing in the Bullet Train network, routes that can be used by all players to complete Destination Tickets, or focusing on your individual tracks. Weigh your options carefully because the players who contribute the most to this shared project will be rewarded with a larger bonus...and players who don’t build any Bullet Trains will suffer the consequences!

This Ticket to Ride© expansion also includes the Italy map which is focused on the Regions in this country and on a brand new type of Ferry Route. Connect cities from all Regions in the same network to score extra points.


  • Maps of Japan and Italy
  • Rules & Tickets for each map
  • 16 Bullet Train miniatures and associated Progression Markers (Japan)
  • 10 Ferry Cards (Italy)

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