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Steam: Rails to Riches
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Steam: Rails to Riches

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BrandMayfair Games
TypeStrategy Games
PackagingCardboard Box

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Product Info

Players: 3-6
Ages: 12+
Playing Time: 90+ minutes 
Designer: Mayfair Games and Martin Wallace
Made in the U.S.A.

In Steam™ you build railroads and deliver goods along an ever changing network of tracks and stations. You build the tracks, upgrade towns, improve your train, and grab the right goods to make the longest, most profitable deliveries. Score your deliveries and add to your income or victory points, balancing your need to invest against your quest to win the game.

Steam contains a beautiful, double-sided game board. The map on each side depicts terrain, towns, and cities at the start of the railway age. The map of the northeastern USA and neighboring Canada is ideal for 3 or 4 players. Use the map of Europe's lower Rhine and Ruhr region when playing a 4- or 5-player game. You can play Steam on any number of current and future variant and expansion maps, so we include pieces for 6 players.

Steam is the culmination of Martin Wallace's classic railroad game series. It contains a brilliantly balanced standard game, and a very rich, elegant basic game. Both offer you unparalleled flavor and fun.

Steam * Steel * Wealth

Steam Contains:
A full-color, double-sided game board
136 double-sided track tiles
8 New City tiles
7 double-sided Action tiles
144 wooden player tokens (in 6 colors)
96 wooden goods cubes (in 5 colors)
10 City Growth markers
68 gold, silver & copper money tokens
1 wooden train turn marker
1 cloth goods bag
A simple, full color rules booklet for both the Base and Standard games

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