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Intrism Pro - Build-It-Yourself 3D Marble Maze
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Intrism Pro - Build-It-Yourself 3D Marble Maze

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ObjectBuild and play a contained wooden ball maze.
DifficultyLevel 10 - Mind Boggling
TypesWooden Models & Kits, Maze Puzzles
Dimensions20.3 cm x 20.3 cm x 20.3 cm / 8 in x 8 in x 8 in
PackagingCardboard Box

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Product Info

Intrism Pro is a one-of-kind 3D wooden puzzle and challenging marble labyrinth maze game that will spark your mind and keep you glued to your seat. With over 200 laser-cut wooden pieces that click into place together, there are no tools or glue required for assembly in this build-it-yourself kit.

The appeal of Intrism Pro is not just the puzzle assembly itself; it is the marble labyrinth maze as well.  With over 30 feet of track throughout the labyrinth maze, you'll roll the marble through over 150 obstacles: sudden drops, rails, stairs, ramps, rings, and many more to see if you can make it all the way to the end!

Intrism Pro is very challenging, and considered to be a level 10 marble maze. Assembling the maze on the other hand is quite a bit easier.  The wood can also be stained, painted or varnished to add your own personalized look.

Contents Includes:
• 210 Wooden Pieces (including display stand)
• Interlocking acrylic enclosure
• Glass marble (black)
• Printed assembly guide in English (+Spanish & French online access)
• Sandpaper

Ages: 14+
Approximate Assembly time: 4 - 10 hrs depending on your pace.

Check out the smaller and easier version Intrism Mini here.

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