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Mechanical Model - Research Vessel
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Mechanical Model - Research Vessel

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ObjectAssemble the wooden pieces to make a self-propelled ship
TypeWooden Models & Kits
DimensionsApprox. 38.5 cm x 11 cm x 25 cm / 15.2 in x 4.3 in x 9.8 in
PackagingCardboard Box
Total Pieces575

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Product Info

UGEARS models are a unique combination of wood and mechanics.  UGEARS feature easy-to-assemble wooden pieces and gears that actually move that will bring delight to novice and experienced modelers alike. Made with laser-cut high quality plywood, there is no glue required to assemble these intricate masterpieces. Detailed step-by-step color instructions are provided in 10 languages.

Your new boat has all you need to implement proper research: a bathyscaphe for deep-sea exploration, a small motor-boat and a life boat, drop ramp, opening hold hatch, and other fun and interesting elements you find in real-life vessels. The model is equipped with a swing jib crane to manage cargo and hoist out the bathyscaphe. Use the crane to pull the bathyscaphe out of the depths and secure it on a special extension platform.

All details of the Research Vessel are made of high-grade wood that need no glue or additional instruments to assemble. The “skeleton” design of the Vessel’s body allows you to look into the hold and engine room and see what makes her move. The energy driving the model is produced by a rubber-band motor and managed by a pendulum. A clever gear arrangement in this block imitates the sound of a diesel engine and provides a smooth and steady pace of the Vessel. The model has three movement modes – forward, turn, and automatic manoeuvring. The modes are controlled with a lever you can switch manually.

Feel the salty wind sailing you towards future discoveries with the Research Vessel from Ugears!


Pieces: 575
Ages: 14+ (Adults)
Finished model size: Approx. 38.5 cm x 11 cm x 25 cm/ 15.2 in x 4.3 in x 9.8 in
Self-assembly. No glue required! (Approximate assembly time: 10 hours)

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