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Smart Egg 2-Layer Labyrinth Puzzle - Level 1 Blue Dragon
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Smart Egg 2-Layer Labyrinth Puzzle - Level 1 Blue Dragon

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ObjectSolve the maze
DifficultyLevel 7 - Challenging
TypesMaze Puzzles, András Zagyvai

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Product Info

Fight the Blue Dragon and hatch the egg by solving the maze to advance to the next level! 

Level 1 Dragon: Challenging

The Inner labyrinth moves inside the outer labyrinth.


  1. Insert the wand into the top of the egg.
  2. Guide the wand through the labyrinth by using the paths and holes.
  3. You may need to move the inner labyrinth to find the right path.
  4. Free the wand out the bottom
  5. Do no force the wand.  The wand will move easily with the correct solution.

Ages 8+

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