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Pocket Change - Blue
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Pocket Change - Blue

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ObjectFree the coin.
DifficultyLevel 7 - Challenging
BrandPuzzled By Piker
Types3D Printed Puzzles, Brian Kren
Dimensions8.7 cm x 5 cm x 5 cm / 3.4 in x 2 in x 2 in
Packagingcloth bag

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Product Info

Pocket Change - Blue looks to be a simple button. You just press the button to get the coin out.
You just press the button to get the coin out, right?
You just press.....Oh :(

The Pocket Change series are free the coin puzzles. Designer Brian Kren had a goal to create small and affordable puzzles that still require thought to solve. These trick boxes involve more than just 1 step. Each one presents a different challenge and will require a different thought process to solve. They are great for travel (no pieces smaller than the coin) and sharing with friends.

These items are 3D-printed and hand-assembled so some minor imperfections may be present.  Comes in a small silk drawsting bag.

Dimensions: 3.5 in x 2 in Diameter


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