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De-ruption - Dexterity Puzzle
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De-ruption - Dexterity Puzzle

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ObjectPut the four balls into the center hole.
DifficultyLevel 9 - Gruelling
BrandMetal Puzzles UK
TypesMore Metal Puzzles, Premium Collectible Puzzles, Phil Wigfield
Dimensions3.8 cm diameter x 2.3 cm tall / 1.5 in diameter / 0.9 in tall
Packagingcloth bag

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Product Info

De-ruption is a brass dexterity puzzle designed and produced by Phil Wigfield.  It is part of a limited edition series of three separate dexterity puzzles.  Only 100 have been produced of each style. Every puzzle is numbered and signed. 

Using a bit of imagination, you can see that the inside of the puzzle has the shape of a small volcano.  There are 4 rocks (balls) that you need to get back inside the volcano to clean up the mess.  There are no cunning tricks; you just need a bit of time, patience and luck.

Each puzzle is handmade using a manual mill and manual lathe, and includes an acrylic top to stop the balls from coming out.  There will be small machine marks which can't be polished out. 



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