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Kreuz 2
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Kreuz 2

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ObjectFit the four pieces together to form a knot.
DifficultyLevel 6 - Tricky
TypesVaclav Obsivac, European Wood Puzzles
PackagingCardboard Box

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Product Info

Vaclav Obsivac is a puzzle designer who works with triangular pieces in the world of puzzles. Incredible cuts and connections are revealed. Our eyes, accustomed to vertical and horizontal lines with right angles, have difficulty seeing the connection possibilities.

Vaclav always uses native wood like cherry, walnut, oak, plum, maple, beech etc. as the material. He has combined each of his puzzles from these woods, and each of his puzzles is unique.

Here Vaclav worked with square bars. 4 similar looking wooden parts, consisting of 4 square bars of the same size, must be joined to form a cross knot. This game is an excellent introduction to Vaclav's work.

Playing time: 10 - 20 minutes
Instructions: illustrated
Author: Vaclav Obcivac, Czech Republic, 2002

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