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Wasgij Original #39: Chinese New Year
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Wasgij Original #39: Chinese New Year

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ObjectPut together the jigsaw puzzle.
BrandJumbo International
Types1000 Pieces, Wasgij
DimensionsApprox. 70 cm x 50 cm / 27 in x 20 in
PackagingCardboard Box
Total Pieces1000

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Product Info

Find out what it is that the people in the picture are seeing.  Use your imagination as well as your curiosity to find out what's happening in the Wasgij Original Puzzle.  Only the puzzle holds the answer...


Chinese New Year celebrations are lighting up the streets, with crowds gathering to welcome the Year of the Tiger and enjoy the fun and fireworks, but what could possibly stop the fearsome tiger-themed parade in its tracks?

What has the woman with the smartphone seen that could’ve caused her jaw to drop? That is the image you need to puzzle.

1000 Pieces
Finished size: Approx. 68 x 49 cm / 27 in x 20 in
Made by: Jumbo International


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