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Spanish Fans
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Spanish Fans

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ObjectPut together the jigsaw puzzle.
Type1000 Pieces
DimensionsApprox. 68 cm x 49 cm / 27 in x 19 in
PackagingCardboard Box
Total Pieces1000

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Spanish fans were actually used as a flirting communication device where women would turn and hold the fans in certain angels to express rejection or acceptance towards their male counterparts. Today, Spanish fans aren’t as commonly used as they used to be in Spain, although elder Spanish women still use them in summer. Spanish fans are often associated with Flamenco shows, and it’s where our Madrid tapas tours customers ask us where they would be able to buy authentic Spanish fans in Madrid. And we have one place that has been making them since 1823: Casa de Diego, located at the heart of Madrid’s historical center

1000 Pieces.
Finished size: 19.25 in x 26.75 in / 49 cm x 68 cm
Made in the USA by Eurographics.

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