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Batman VS Joker DC Comics - 3D Lenticular Jigsaw
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Batman VS Joker DC Comics - 3D Lenticular Jigsaw

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ObjectPut together the jigsaw puzzle.
BrandPrime 3D
Type101-499 Pieces
Dimensions31 cm x 46 cm / 12 in x 18 in
PackagingCardboard Box
Total Pieces300

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Product Info

Batman VS Joker DC Comics is a 300 piece lenticular jigsaw.  (3D lenticular is the illusion of depth on a normally flat surface)

It is claimed that Batman was responsible for the birth of the Clown Prince of Crime, Joker, who considers himself to be the greatest necessity for Batman's survival! As you piece together this immersive, 3D illustration of Batman and his archenemy, the Joker, you'll feel the intensity of their never-ending feud!

Each piece is made with great detail and quality craftsmanship doing justice to the vibrant colours that pop out (pun intended!) as you assemble this unique illustration. High-quality pieces that don’t break and are easy to fit. 

Develop a new hobby, or engage in some brain training as puzzles are known to stimulate the brain, improve our spatial reasoning, memory, problem-solving abilities and even increase our IQ! Puzzles are also a great way to boost the mood, relieve stress and increase self-confidence!

You can do it yourself, with family and friends, or even give it as a gift!

Packaged in Set-Up Box with a lenticular image on the cover also.



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