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Juno 81 - Iridescent Geometric Puzzle
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Juno 81 - Iridescent Geometric Puzzle

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ObjectPut together the wave style pieces to create a circle.
DifficultyLevel 7 - Challenging
BrandWaves Puzzle
Type1-100 Pieces
Dimensions25.4 cm x 25.4 cm x 0.3 cm / 10 in x 10 in x 0.1 in
PackagingCardboard Box
Total Pieces81

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Product Info

Find focus with Juno 81. As you assemble the pieces in this fun geometric puzzle, feel your thoughts align with the design’s smooth, circular flow, fostering clarity and balance.

  • Key effect: Boosts intuitive thinking and promotes a sense of completeness
  • Reflect on light and color with dichroic lucite pieces
  • The puzzle's cut mirrors the natural patterns of flowers, galaxies, and mandalas
  • This circle puzzle represents eternity, unity, and cycles
  • Inspired by Juno, queen of the gods, it encourages reflection on personal growth and change
  • Enjoy the satisfying click as each piece fits into place
  • Perfect for display on your coffee table or desk
  • Can you discover more solutions?
  • A great way to spend quality screen-free time with friends or enter your own flow state – and when completed, it becomes a striking piece of art!

iridescent acrylic puzzle, 81 pieces
designed by Benjamin Sachs
254 x 254 x 3 mm assembled
gift box: 4.25" x 4.25" x 2.75"
medium difficulty, level 7 of 10
ages 14+

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