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Jan van Haasteren Comic Puzzle - Midsummer Festival
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Jan van Haasteren Comic Puzzle - Midsummer Festival

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ObjectPut together the jigsaw puzzle.
BrandJumbo International
Type1000 Pieces
DimensionsApprox. 68 cm x 49 cm / 27 in x 19 in
PackagingCardboard Box
Total Pieces1000

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Product Info

The Jan van Haasteren family is on holiday in Sweden and visits the Midsummer festival and experiences the magic of the longest day of the year. A band plays traditional music, there is dancing and the maypole is decorated. Mother-in-law is found at the table full of delicacies, but an angry moose appears. Will this end well?

A Jan van Haasteren puzzle is so much more than just a puzzle, it’s an adventure series with familiar characters playing the lead roles in a never-ending decor full of absurd details. Discover the crazy adventures of the Jan van Haasteren family!

The puzzle is made from recycled cardboard in Europe. To cut the cardboard into puzzle pieces, they the thinnest knife available. The puzzle has an almost seamless look when finished. Enjoy this Jan van Haasteren puzzle!

1000 Pieces.
Finished size: Approx. 68 cm x 49 cm / 27 in x 19 in
Artwork by: Rob Derks



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