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Morning Mist
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Morning Mist

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ObjectPut together the jigsaw puzzle.
BrandCobble Hill
Type1000 Pieces
DimensionsApprox. 68 cm x 49 cm / 27 in x 19 in
PackagingCardboard Box
Total Pieces1000

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Product Info

This scenic 1000 piece puzzle features two loons gracefully traversing a mist-covered lake, engaged in a quiet conversation. The peacefulness of the Morning Mist and the vibrant colours make this image a beautiful puzzle to wake up to.

Some puzzlers may find this one a little tricky with large areas of orange and blue. The tall grass will require some patience but it's a small portion of the puzzle and completely workable. We guess that many puzzlers will build the tall thin tree trunk first and the glowing sun. This will be a cherished puzzle once completed as its absolutely stunning and wonderful painting from Jim Hansel, who is an amazing artist in and of himself, but even more impressive that he's legally blind.


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