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Group Special - Set of 3 Exclusive Puzzle Master Metal Puzzles
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Group Special - Set of 3 Exclusive Puzzle Master Metal Puzzles

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Sale You SAVE 10% off the regular price!
 Regular Price: $429.97 CAD

ObjectTake apart and reassemble the metal pieces.
BrandPuzzle Master
TypesGroup Specials, Puzzle Master Metal Puzzles, Premium Collectible Puzzles, Stéphane Chomine

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Product Info

The following puzzles are in this set, click on the individual puzzle name to get a more descriptive view of each puzzle: Crossover - Metal PuzzleCastor 5 - Metal PuzzleCroisillon Type D8 - Metal Puzzle

All of the puzzles in this set are metal burr-style puzzles in which the objective is to take apart the pieces and then put them back together.  As is often the case with burr puzzles, the disassembly is the easier portion of the solution, and reassembly is the most challenging part.

These metal puzzles are made of anodized aluminum and manufactured in Canada in low production runs exclusively for Puzzle Master.  Constructed with a textured surface, which makes it more resistant to marking, it also creates a great feel in the hands.

A special thank-you to Aaron Williams for helping with the design and production of these puzzles,

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