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Hedgehog in a Cage: Epic
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Hedgehog in a Cage: Epic

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ObjectTake the spiked ball out of the cage and return to start.
DifficultyLevel 7 - Challenging
BrandRademic Puzzles
TypeMore Metal Puzzles
Dimensions5 cm diameter x 8.2 cm tall / 2 in diameter x 3.2 in tall
Packagingplastic box

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Product Info

The elegant cage forms an unusual “open” shape of three expanding spirals. The hedgehog has an atypical number of five spikes, while two of them are a part of the amazing teardrop-shaped ball. In addition to the groundbreaking design of the cage and the hedgehog, this puzzle also brings a new unique principle.  Compared to the traditional Hedgehog in the cage, you'll have to come up with different tricks which will help you to get a little further to the solution.

The entire cage is made of polished stainless steel, the hedgehog is made of aluminium which is anodized in a blue color.
Manufacturer Difficulty Rating: 3 / 5
Made by Rademic

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