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Chinese Cross - Aluminum 6 Piece Burr Puzzle
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Chinese Cross - Aluminum 6 Piece Burr Puzzle

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ObjectTake apart and reassemble the pieces.
DifficultyLevel 7 - Challenging
BrandGrave Raven
TypesMore Metal Puzzles, Burr Puzzles
Dimensions3.6 cm x 3.6 cm x 3.6 cm / 1.4 in x 1.4 in x 1.4 in
PackagingCardboard Box

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Product Info

A traditional 6-piece burr puzzle, beloved for over a century!  The plain-seeming exterior of this burr belies the mysteries within.  While one may pickup and disassemble a simple burr in seconds, the toughest burrs flummox even hard-core puzzle lovers.  This broad range of challenges has kept burr puzzles in the forefront of puzzle collections for decades.

Chinese Cross is part of a series of small 6 piece metal burr puzzles made by Grave Raven.  Each puzzle in the series appears identical when assembled, but each variant is made up of a different combination of pieces.  Grave Raven has designed their burr pieces to interoperate not just with the other 5 pieces in the puzzle you purchase, but with ANY piece they produce in the same series!  This means you can start your collection with a single burr puzzle, and add individual pieces or entire sets later, assured they will all fit together.

Chinese Cross - Probably the most classic design, a good beginner puzzle with a variety of unique pieces.  Great start for a new collector.
Will you be able to put the burr back together?
Note: Contains pieces (001, 256, 824, 975, 928, 1024)

These burrs use "6 mm series" pieces, which means each little 'cubie' is nominally 6 mm center-to-center.  These are length-6 pieces, so their approximate total size is 0.5" (12 mm) wide and 1.5" (36 mm) long.

Other puzzles in the 6-piece burr seriesDiabolical Structure, Hoffmann Nut, Six-Way Set, Yamato Block
Each style is available in aluminum or brass.

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