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Electrihedron - 8 Links
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Electrihedron - 8 Links

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ObjectCombine the links to form a knot.
DifficultyLevel 7 - Challenging
TypesOther Misc Puzzles, Doug Engel
PackagingCardboard Box

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The Electrihedron is a beautiful gem-like puzzle, and it is not very difficult. It consists of 8 E links. You will receive one 6 link figure and one 2 link figure solved as closed circuits.  They can be combined to make a uniquely shaped configuration as shown in the photos. (grey drawing)

There are three different 6 link solutions (Ah2, Nh2 and Ec6. Ec stands for circuit.)

There is a 7 link solution and an 8 link solution also.

The unity element is Ec2.  Ah2 and Nh2 are 6 link solutions and are dual to each other. They form the Atomihedron, Neutrohedron system which has many numbers matching simple quantum numbers. All duals fill space in combination. The Neutrohedron develops a massive positive twist as it grows larger. It has a single negatively twisted surrounding circuit.
The Atomihedron has a small negative twist.

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