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IQ Twist
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IQ Twist

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ObjectPack the pieces into the tray
DifficultyLevel 7 - Challenging
BrandSmart Games
TypesRaf Peeters, Puzzle Games, Packing Puzzles

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Product Info

IQ-Twist for SmartGames is my contribution to the puzzle category where the object is to fill an area with a given set of puzzle pieces. In most mind games like this different challenges are made possible by starting with a few puzzle pieces already on the gameboard (like the puzzles of Lonpos) or by adjusting the size of the game board itself (like Katamino).

In every challenge a few colored pegs are placed on the game board. The  object of the game is still to place all puzzle pieces on the game board. But because of the pegs, this is only possible when there is a hole inside the puzzle piece you want to place on that exact position. And what’s more, you can only do that when the puzzle piece and the peg have the same color.

Because of the pegs, you can keep on playing until you solved the solution, without the need to look at the challenge booklet every time you want to start all over. You might not need all the pegs so, to make sure you don’t lose any, you can store the ones you don’t need in the peg storage row at the top of your game board.

The booklet has 100 challenges and can also be stored inside the game. The front side of the booklet shows a way how to place all puzzle pieces back on the game board, so that you can quickly place everything inside, when you stop playing and want to take the game with you.

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