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Dino 2
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Dino 2

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ObjectTake apart the pieces and put them back together.
DifficultyLevel 8 - Demanding
TypesAlfons Eyckmans, European Wood Puzzles, Burr Puzzles
Dimensions9.5 cm x 9.5 cm x 9.5 cm / 3.75 in x 3.75 in x 3.75 in
PackagingCardboard Box

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Product Info

Kevin Sadler wrote about it:

"One of the most prolific burr designers in the world, Alfons Eyckmans is producing some fantastic and beautiful puzzles. This particular beauty is an unusual 14 stick burr with a dinosaur inside. The woods chosen by Pelikan are a gorgeous vibrant Purpleheart, Padauk and Wenge with an Acacia dinosaur. Many of this type of puzzle can be impossibly difficult and consequently not so much fun unless you are a huge fan of ultra-complex burrs. The solution level is which for me is fun and challenging without becoming impossible. Amazingly, once I had found the removal of the first two pieces, I thought the third (adjacent) piece would follow straight away but this was not the case. This had me stumped for a good 15 to 20 minutes as I desperately tried to free up a piece that was not going to be released until 2 others had come out first. After the first 5 pieces are out the puzzle is remarkably stable but now there is a LOT of possible movement and this is where most people will get stuck. I had tried everything possible - it was all moving all over the place but nothing was coming free. I was getting anxious that I would be left with a tangled mess of sticks that I could not advance or go back when suddenly I had another Aha! moment and a critical pieces was removed (I had my dinosaur). This made a lot more space for disassembly and it rapidly came apart thereafter. Reassembly using Burrtools was remarkably satisfying."

This puzzle was crafted in Europe with absolutely fantastic quality. Each of the puzzles of Pelikan design are unparalleled in their class! Every piece of the puzzle is precisely cut and very well made; you cannot find its equal anywhere else. The diversity in wood makes each puzzle a unique masterpiece.

Difficulty: 28 Moves ( - The brackets indicate the breakdown of moves to free each piece sequentially.
Material: Acacia, Wenge, Purpleheart, Padauk
Designer: Alfons Eyckmans
Measures: 95 mm x 95 mm x 95 mm


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